FrankenMovie Plot #99

A group of superheroes must stop the evil warlord Thanos. In the battle to save half the world’s population, British teenager Albert is forced to sell his beloved horse, Joey to the British Army. Joey must then live through the hardships and tragedies of combat in Europe, before returning home.

Avengers: Infinity War Horse

How To Play FrankenMovies

  • It's really simple: Guess the FrankenMovie from the plot.
  • A FrankenMovie is a combination of two movies where the last word of one movie is the same as the first word of another movie so that their names can be combined.
  • Example: "A global threat from the villain Thanos causes a giant tripod to descend on the earth" is the plot to the FrankenMovie "Avengers: Infinity War of the Worlds".
  • To form the FrankenMovies, we have not dropped articles from movie names. For example, it is not possible to do The Shape of Waterboy, because the title to the second film is actually "The Waterboy".